SCYTF Committees’ goals and objectives further the SCYTF Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan, or operations of the SCYTF. Committees may include members of the Policy Team, Technical Team, or both.
SCYTF Committee List
South County H.E.A.L.S!
South County Health Equity Access for All LeaderShip !nitiative (SC HEALS!)
Beautiful Day Workgroup
This workgroup supports the Beautiful Day grant for the Beautiful Day Weekend Event 2022 project to beautiful and revitalize Morgan Hill Unified School District’s San Martin / Gwinn Environmental Science Academy’s community garden.
Charter Committee
This committee drafted the SCYTF Charter, which was adopted by the Policy Team, and it continues to provide the Policy Team with support on Charter-related matters.
Alexander Station Committee
This committee implements pro social activities for the community of the Alexander Station Apartments.
Circles for Restorative Justice Practioners
These practitioners promote restorative justice principles in community and schools.
Communications Committee
This committee supports SCYTF in sharing information and resources with the Policy and Tech Teams and the South County Community. This Committee oversees the SCYTF website.
Community Outreach, Engagement & Parks (COEP) Committee
COEP supports community engagement in parks usage, civic engagement, healthy living, pro-social activity design, and educational workshops and opportunities. The Committee also provide COVID-19 related support.
Data Sharing and Grants Committee
This committee supports in the drafting of collaborative grants that SCYTF and its partners pursue.
Food Insecurity Response Support Team (F.I.R.S.T.)
This committee supports emergency food access during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee helps to identify practical solutions for ensuring the availability of emergency food resources for the South County community.
Gilroy Strong Resiliency Center (GSRC) Community Workgroup
The GSRC helps those who were affected by the 2019 shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival to heal. This workgroup provides community outreach to inform of GSRC events, psychoeducation workshops, and youth events.
Racial Equity, Leadership and Justice (REAL J) Learning Circles
Leaders discuss experiences with systems that have historically and politically created hierarchal meaning-making of race and equity. These leaders examine education and juvenile-adult justice systems and best practices that promote racial equity.
South County Faith- Based Coalition
This coalition includes South County faith-based partners that pray, volunteer, and support South County youth and families.
South County Restorative Justice Youth Diversion Program
The Diversion Program provides an opportunity for youth who engaged in conduct that harms others and themselves to come together with those who have been impacted by the behavior, including victims and community members, to address the harm that occurred at a community level. The Diversion Program is an alternative to involvement in the Juvenile Justice System.
Youth Race, Equity, and Leadership Circles
Youth, ages 12-18, hold conversations centered around meaning-making and interpretations of race and the examination of how political, structural, and historical decisions have affect human beings. Youth analyze historical matters to ground us today. They examine how to expand youth roles in SCYTF.