South County Restorative Justice Youth Diversion Program
The South County Restorative Justice Youth Diversion Program (SCRJYDP) provides an opportunity for youth who engaged in conduct that harms others and themselves to come together with those who have been impacted by the behavior, including victims and community members, to collectively address the harm that occurred at a community level. Participation in the Diversion Program is an alternative to the traditional path that follows after a youth receives a citation. Completion of the Diversion Program does not involve the youth in the Juvenile Justice System.

The SCRJYDP is intentional at all levels in its approach. There are six goals that are constantly worked towards. From the time a referral is received, families are connected with in a respectful, empathetic, and non-judgemental way. We use language that is focused on building community and establishing trust. There is an intentional effort in uplifting the victim(s) and the community, as well as holding the young people that committed the harm accountable. The SCRJYDP brings people together to reconcile and build relationships when harm has been done. A major tenant of Restorative Justice is that harm affects everyone in the community: the “victim/s”, “whoever does the harm” and the larger community. Therefore decisions about how to repair the harm must be determined by the people affected, as they are the only people who truly know how to make things right.

To provide guidance and understanding of the SCRJYDP, we have developed a framework that helps hold us accountable throughout the program.
911 Call & Police Contact - Conduct occurs where youth is contacted by a Law Enforcement Officer (LEA).
Eligibility and referral to program - LEA assesses the youth to determine program eligibility / Youth are ages 12-17 / Act is a lower-level offense/ Youth has no or no significant history / Not previously in the program.
Engagement phone call and intake interview - CBO partner contacts eligible youth / Youth agrees to participate / Youth is interviewed and their background is assessed / Youth prepares for RJ circle / Youth is given a date to appear in an RJ circle.
Restorative Justice Circle - Youth and guardian(s) attend a RJ circle / Person harmed, RJ panel, school personnel, etc. participate / Youth and circle members create a restorative agreement specifying what the youth needs to do to heal the harm.
Community Building - Youth works on fulfilling agreement terms / Youth participates in mentorships, job-skill building program, and/or pro-social activities / Youth’s family receives supportive services if needed.
Program Completion - Youth completes agreement terms / Youth has no arrest record, and the case is sealed / If youth does not complete the program, the circumstances are assessed to determine next steps.